Review of a Quality under Sink Water Filter System

Catalytic Carbon block Undersink Water Filter

If you are badly in search of a quality under sink water filter system, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I will introduce you with one of the most popular under sink water filter systems named “CATALYTIC CARBON BLOCK UNDER SINK WATER FILTER”. At first, I will discuss its features and after that I will discuss about the benefits that you will get from the under sink water filter system. So in order to know more in details about the quality of this water filter, kindly read this article. I am quite sure that you will like this product.

Let’s take a look at its features

Features of this Under sink Water Filter System:

Removes Harmful Elements from the Water:

One of the most important and vital fact about this under sink water filter system is it has the great ability of removing harmful components instantly from the water. It mainly removes three things completely from the water. The first one is chlorine, the second one is chloramine and the third one or the last one is VOC which is commonly known as Volatile Organic Contaminants. Besides removing these three things, this under sink water filter also plays a vital role in removing lead as well as other heavy metals and cyst parasites. By doing all these things, it simply makes the water taste superb. Just because of this feature, this under sink water filter is extremely popular over the whole world and people like this item very much. Let’s proceed to the next feature.


This great under sink water filter comes with 5 years warranty on housing. So within five years, if you face any problem with this water filter, then you can easily claim your warranty by making use of the warranty certificate. This is actually considered as the other benefit of using this water filter.

• Additional Features:

1. For cold as well as warm water use (40 degree Fahrenheit – 100 degree Fahrenheit).
2. The flow rate is 0.75 gallon per minute.
3. 1000 gallon capacity or one year.
4. This under sink water filter meets NSF standards 42 and 53 for water filtration.
5. Besides, it also eliminates channeling or bypassing.
6. 2 layer in depth – Pre-filtration.
7. Comes with five years warranty on housing.
8. Maintenance free (excluding yearly cartridge replacement).
9. Saddle valve as well as all hardware included.
10. Shut – off valve as well as filter wrench included for simple cartridge replacement.
11. Under sink mounting bracket.
12. The dimension of this water filter is 11’ height X 4 1/2’ diameter.
13. Heavy duty poly – propylene plastic housing.
14. Consists of dedicated chrome and lead free ceramic valve faucet.
15. VOC – 1 Compressed Catalytic Carbon Block (Standard) or KDF Blue Cartridge.

• Pros:

1. Removes chlorine, chloramine and VOC (Volatile Organic Contaminants) from the water.
2. It also removes lead, other heavy metals and cyst parasites.
3. Most importantly, it provides one year of purified water without any kind of maintenance or cartridge replacement.

The features and benefits I mentioned in the above easily proves one thing that this under sink water filer consists of all the features that a standard under sink water filter should really have. So without a doubt, it can easily be said that this under sink water could be an excellent option for those who are badly in search of a quality under sink water filter. That’s all for today and thanks for reading this article.
Review of a Quality under Sink Water Filter System Review of a Quality under Sink Water Filter System Reviewed by Shovon Joarder on 7:47 AM Rating: 5
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